All of us at OCGL would like to welcome you to our website for our Ladder and optional associated Country Club. We feel that we have the number one site on WGT to play other men and women from around the world. We invite you to look around, read our basic rules under the membership Application, and if you think this is something you would enjoy, sign up and get started!
If you want to join our Ladder League go to or hit the “myleague” icon to the right on this page. It will take you to the “Free Sign Up” on the Home Page.
You will see Step 1 of 2 and a highlighted line line that says “Contact the League Admins“. Click on that link and once the admin team gets your submission they will email you back a “KEY” (step 2) you will need to actually join the league.
Once we review everything, and approve you, we will give you access to the Ladder.
You will find the detailed instructions for TEAMSPEAK on the right side of this page also.
We use Teamspeak as a means to communicate with each other when we play. This requires you to have a Microphone/headset/speaker or you have a computer capable of voice communications. Having the means to talk with your fellow league members is mandatory.
There is no charge to any player for these management tools that we use to our league.
There is never a boring moment on our ladder, and we have a good time and make great friends. Good luck and hope to see you soon.